Thanks for stopping by Heather Lang Books. I love writing nonfiction picture books that celebrate our natural world and biographies about women who overcame extraordinary obstacles to follow their dreams.
Coming Soon . . .
SUPERSQUADS! (Book 3, Animal Heroes Series)
There’s strength in numbers out there in the wild! In a lively comics-style format, the creators of Supermoms! and Superdads! deliver a funny, fascinating look at some ingenious ways that animal squads survive.
Did you know that when honeybees find a food source, they do a dance to convey the direction, distance, and yumminess level to their hive mates? Or that chickadees add extra “dees” to their calls to warn their flock of danger? Or that a meerkat standing like a sentry may well be guarding its mob while they eat? Sometimes the key is divvying up tasks, like when beavers build a dam, or it’s combining differences—like when a sea anemone protects a hermit crab with its stinging tentacles, then gets a ride and some tasty tidbits from the crab. Or it’s power in numbers, as when hundreds of thousands of starlings fly in a murmuration, foiling predators trying to lock in on a target.
With fun, fact-filled panels, Heather Lang and Jamie Harper delve into the ways animals band together to stay safe and thrive, from orcas to ostriches, spiny lobsters to snow monkeys, leaf cutter ants to zebras and more. Aspiring naturalists can find out more about the animals in the back matter, along with an array of resources for continuing to explore.
New Books . . .
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SUPERDADS! (Book 2, Animal Heroes Series)
Raising babies in the wild is a mighty big job, but these super animal dads are up to the task! Packed with cool facts in a fun comics format.
It’s wild out there for baby animals, but nature’s superdads can handle it all. A great horned owl dad brings home tasty prey to his nest, while a sandgrouse dad carries precious water on his feathers across the desert for his thirsty chicks. Wolf dads love a game of tug-of-war with their rambunctious pups, glass frog dads protect their eggs from predators with powerful kicks, and kiwi dads sit on their eggs for eighty days, keeping them safe and warm. And did you know that giant water bug dads can tote a whopping 150 eggs on their backs while doing push-ups?
The team behind Supermoms! delivers another humorous and fascinating look into wild parenting, highlighting how superdads from seahorses to gorillas feed, protect, nurture, and even incubate their babies. The comics-panel format, with its lively art and cheeky comments from offspring, makes for an engaging read. Back matter includes bonus super facts about each animal and recommendations for more children’s books, websites, and episodes to explore.
SUPERMOMS! (Book 1, Animal Heroes Series)
In comics-style panels full of facts and humor, this lively picture book investigates the amazing lengths animal mothers go to in caring for their young.
An emperor penguin mom treks up to fifty miles to bring food to her hungry chick. A toothy American alligator carefully carries hatchlings in her mouth, shuttling them safely to the water. A piping plover uses her best acting skills to feign an injury, luring predators away from her offspring. Whether building elaborate burrows, forgoing food for months on end to feed their cubs, toting hundreds of spiderlings on their backs, conducting patient swimming lessons, or fearlessly kicking away hyenas, mothers in the animal kingdom--whatever their species--give it their all (and then some!) to keep their little ones safe, fed, and ready to face the world on their own.
This first book in a young series on animal science includes in its back matter a look at the "super" qualities of some of the animals and offers a collection of resources for budding naturalists.
Picture Book Biographies . . .
The Leaf Detective
How Margaret Lowman Uncovered Secrets in the Rainforest
Meg Lowman was always fascinated by the natural world above her head. The colors, the branches, and, most of all, the leaves and mysterious organisms living there.
As a scientist, Meg set out to climb up and investigate the rainforest tree canopies. To be the first scientist to do so. But she encountered challenge after challenge. Male teachers would not let her into their classrooms. The high canopy was difficult to get to. And worst of all, people were logging and clearing the forests.
Meg Lowman never gave up or gave in. She studied, invented, and persevered, not only creating a future for herself as a scientist, but making sure that the rainforests had a future as well.
Praise for The Leaf Detective
“Meg Lowman or ‘Canopy Meg’ is a true hero, a courageous explorer, who made amazing discoveries high in the forest canopy.
The Leaf Detective captures the magic of that little-known world with its clear, informative text and fabulous illustrations. Young readers everywhere will be fascinated and inspired to learn more about nature.”
—Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace
“Margaret Lowman is a pioneer scientist in a discipline that demands exceptional imagination, courage, and physical rigor. But of equal importance, she has created an extraordinarily important branch of environmental and conservation research. Heather Lang and Jana Christy, in this charming introduction, have invited us to climb on up and visit her.”
—Edward O. Wilson, Pulitzer Prize winner and Professor Emeritus, Harvard University
“[A}n exciting tale of exploration and adventure that will capture the attention of budding scientists and environmentalists alike.”
—Kirkus Reviews
Anybody's Game
Kathryn Johnston, the First Girl to Play Little League Baseball
It was 1950. And girls did not play baseball.
Kathryn Johnston was better at baseball than most boys. All she wanted was to play for a real team, but Little League coaches wouldn't let girls try out. One day, when a new team held tryouts across town, Kathryn made a big decision . . .
Snip! She cut off her braids and went to the tryouts as a boy.
Discover the amazing true story of Kathryn "Tubby" Johnston, who stepped up to the plate and showed the world that some rules were meant to be broken.
Swimming with Sharks
The Daring Discoveries of Eugenie Clark
When Eugenie Clark pressed her face up against the shark tank, she didn’t see vicious, bloodthirsty killers. She saw sleek, graceful fish gliding through the water. She longed to be on the bottom of the ocean—swimming with sharks.
In the 1930s few people dared to explore the depths of the sea, and none were women. But Genie wasn’t afraid. Follow “the Shark Lady” as she uncovers the mysteries of the world’s most feared fish!
Fearless Flyer
Ruth Law and Her Flying Machine
Join Ruth Law on her daring record-breaking flight!
On November 19, 1916 Ruth bundled up in four flying suits and a skirt, ready to make history. She planned to fly her little biplane from Chicago to New York City in one day. No one had done it before. Aviation experts thought the flight was doomed. Impossible! But that didn't stop Ruth. What Ruth Law did next amazed America.